Potens’ Skill Centres are a fresh approach to developing skills and strategies for life using a strength-based, personalised learning programme.
Situated across The UK, they are an educational value based service for Adults with a Learning Disability, ASD, Mental Health and/or Complex needs which aims to provide a motivating Person Centred learning experience.
Our services promote choice which focuses on developing independent living skills in environments that ensure learners gain the most from each learning experience.
We focus on 5 learning pathways to develop a learner’s independence and work related skills. These pathways include Life Skills, Vocation, Education, Employability and Social Enterprise. Personal learning pathways are created around the needs of the learner and all focus on three core skills that enable a learner to develop the necessary skills and strategies for life that will promote continued achievement in their lives.
For further information on our skills centre programmes please contact a member of our team today