Welsh Referrals

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Potens provides specialist community, residential, supported living, respite, educational and day opportunities services for children and adults with learning disabilities, autism, mental health and complex needs. We provide services across England, Wales and Northern Ireland within a variety of environments and service models to support individuals in achieving outcomes.

Skills Centres

Potens' Skill Centres are a fresh approach to developing skills and strategies for life using a strength-based, personalised learning programme. Situated across The UK, they are an educational value based service for Adults with a range of needs.

Day Opportunities

Day Opportunities are available for people who need support to enable them to live as independent and fulfilling a life as possible, in their communities. They are offered to people with disabilities particularly learning disabilities and high support needs.

Respite / Short Breaks

Being a full-time carer is a very demanding role. Respite care breaks are an opportunity for carers to take a holiday or simply spend some time looking after their own needs, safe in the knowledge that their loved one is receiving the very best care.

Residential Care

At Potens we provide a range of residential services for both adults, young people and children across the UK. This includes a range of need including autism, learning disabilities, complex health needs, behavioural needs and physical disabilities.

Domiciliary / Home Care

Potens Domiciliary Care offers a variety of support services in various settings to suit people’s needs such as outreach (Community support) and supported living to adults with learning disabilities, mental health needs or other complex needs.

Supported Living

Potens have a range of supported living services throughout England, Ireland & North Wales. These services are either in a flat scheme or shared house where an individual has their own tenancy as a stepping stone to independent living

Potens has multiple agencies in various locations around England and Northern Ireland offering suitable accommodation, supported living, domiciliary care and respite or short breaks. Please see our locations page for more information about services in your area, or please contact us to find out more. If you'd like to make a referral, please go here

  • Disability Confident Employer
  • The Social Care Commitment
  • E Learning
  • CareSys
Driving Up Quality ASDAN NAS

POTENS is proud to support

CALM Special Olympics Armed Forces Covenant Forces Families Jobs Youth Friendly Employer