Welsh Referrals

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Cae Glas Specialist Nursing Home

82 Vale Street
Denbigh, Denbighshire LL16 3BW

Phone: 01745 812 881

To learn more about Cae Glas Call: 01745 812881 Email: keely.holliday@potens-uk.com

Cae Glas is an independent specialist care home registered with Care Inspectorate Wales providing 24 hour nursing care to residents over the age of 18 years who have a primary diagnosis of a Functional Mental Illness.

Care is provided by qualified mental health nurses and suitably trained support workers in order to support residents and relieve symptoms of their mental illness. The aim is to promote independence and support people to integrate into the community.

Denbigh is located in a great location having the benefit of being semi-rural but within easy access of neighbouring larger towns and the City of Chester. In Denbigh there are several shops, cafes, takeaways, banks, a college, leisure centre, library, theatre and a post office. There is also a regular market held in the town.

We employ a Recovery Co-ordinator who usually works Mon to Fri and organizes lots of activities including, cooking sessions, trips out, arts and crafts, games, pool and dart competitions, chair aerobics and aromatherapy to name a few!

There is a large dining room; two lounges each with a television and games; and a rehabilitation kitchen in which people can spend their time. Outside there is a large space with garden furniture and a covered area for shelter. A greenhouse provides an opportunity to grow plants and vegetables.

Feedback from our latest inspection with the Care Inspectorate Wales:

“People living in the home are content with the way they spend their day; they are encouraged and supported to follow their own hobbies and interests with the service investing in related essential equipment such as the greenhouse for gardening enthusiasts.”

“People are supported by a service that provides appropriate numbers of staff. Records show these staff have been employed through a safe recruitment procedure that checks for suitability. Training is provided to ensure they have the knowledge, competency, skills and qualifications to provide care and support in a way that helps individuals to achieve their personal outcomes.”

“People are supported by good numbers of skilled, kind, respectful and friendly care staff who know them well.”

“There is a focus on facilitating positive risk-taking for people, aligned with their individual needs, goals, and aspirations.”

“Support staff are calm and empathetic in their manner when supporting people.”

A person told us they are “really well looked after” and another said, “I really love it here”

“Positive outcomes for people include improved and consistent sleep patterns, healthy weight loss, healthy weight gain, and periods of stabilised mental health and well-being,”

“The home has sustained a level 5, (very good), food hygiene rating for several years.”

Staff told us “I like working here”, “they are a good company to work for, very supportive” and, “there is a good atmosphere here”

  • Disability Confident Employer
  • The Social Care Commitment
  • E Learning
  • CareSys
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