Our final story for #WorldValuesDay2019 demonstrates our value POSITIVE REGARD is all about Keith who lives at Heathfield Gardens in Derbyshire. He moved into the service in May 2019 and initially struggled to adjust. 6 months on he is engaging well and felling happy – all thanks to his team ‘recognising and respecting the differences that every individual brings, both good and bad, and making the necessary adjustments to assist individuals to positively grow’.
One of the key successes is that his support team have discovered Keith’s love of music! Keith loves to play guitar and his tambourine and enjoys 60’s and 70’s music most. Deputy Manager Marie Greaves regularly enjoys putting the juke box on with some 60’s tunes and having a sing and a dance with Keith.
Keith will sing and play guitar. This has also built relationships up with other residents for Keith and we will all sit singing along to the requests for Bay City Rollers and Eddie Cochran. Day by day Keith is settling more and making Heathfield his happy home!