Welsh Referrals

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Kerry’s Leaving Party

Parkside Lodge hosted a leaving party for Kerry Edeson who has moved into her new home just in time for Christmas! Kerry, who has lived at Parkside in Gateshead for almost 9 years, is now starting a new adventure in her new home. Senior Support Worker, Christine Finnigan, said:  "We all enjo… Read more

Keith’s Team Promoting Positive Regard

Our final story for #WorldValuesDay2019 demonstrates our value POSITIVE REGARD is all about Keith who lives at Heathfield Gardens in Derbyshire. He moved into the service in May 2019 and initially struggled to adjust. 6 months on he is engaging well and felling happy – all thanks to his team ‘re… Read more

Paul’s journey to independence

Paul has been supported by Potens for over three years ago and at the end of September received his last ever support session! He has now moved into his own home in his local community – all achieved through our team promoting our value of SHARED LEARNING – ‘sharing knowledge, skills, attitude… Read more

James turns the big 40!

James lives at Heathfield Gardens and has been excited about turning 40 this year. He asked his keyworker Maryjane Ball to organise a party to celebrate his birthday inviting all his friends - it was a huge success! James wanted his party to be on his birthday and with the help of Maryjayne, … Read more

Andrew’s setting & achieving goals!

Andrew moved into Paxton House in April 2019 and has been on a fantastic journey, increasing his skills and confidence daily - achieving some amazing personal outcomes. Staff member Amber Schofield explains: "Andrew has progressed in many ways. He puts his laundry away with no help and he … Read more

Sam’s Summer Story

Sam Hawleys who lives at Larwood House in Nottingham went on holiday to Skegness over the summer and with the help of his Support Worker, Vanessa, wanted to share his adventures with us! Vanessa Piper, Support Worker, Larwood House said: "Sam had been really excited for weeks prior to his holi… Read more

My Story – Trudi

“My name is Trudi and I am employed as a support worker in Potens, Strabane Skills centre. I support a young man with Down syndrome and Autism. I consider myself to be very lucky to be part of this young man’s support team. Through my role as his support worker I feel privileged to be abl… Read more

My Story – Samantha

Samantha began her working life at Potens as an Apprentice - now 6 years on she has developed her career with the organisation and is now a Senior at High Barn. Here she tells us about her journey. “I started working for Potens as an apprentice when I was 17 years old. Potens was my first ever … Read more

My Story – Gill

Following the success of our #30Stories30People initiative last month to celebrate Potens’ 30th Anniversary, we have decided to keep the ‘My Story’ theme running - with the aim to share stories from people who are supported and work across our wonderful organisation each week. Here we meet … Read more

My Story – Natalie

It’s the final day of our #30Stories30people to kick start our anniversary celebrations. We have heard some wonderful stories from all parts of our organisation – thank you to everyone who shared their story with us! Today we hear from Natalie who lives in Middleton Lodge in the North East to… Read more

My Story – Tom

Thomas Young is supported by our team at Supported Lives in Bradford. Since being supported from 2011 he has grown in confidence every day. He has recently got a new job and wanted to share his story! His support team have helped him tell his story: “Tom has been with Supported Lives since 2… Read more

My Story – Andrew

Andrew was a patient at Highbury hospital for 18 months until moving into Potens’ Newbold Road at the end of March 2019. His staff team have shared his story… “In preparation for Andrew moving into to Newbold Road, the staff team completed 8 weeks transition work, visiting the hospital twic… Read more

My Story – Gary

Here we meet Gary who works in our IT department at Central Support in Birkenhead – he tells us about his journey with Potens beginning as a Support Worker! “I joined Potens in May 2013 as a support worker at 7 Park Road South. I worked at the service for a year and a half and I really enjoye… Read more

My Story – David

“My name is David Tibbs, and I have been with Potens since September 2015. I was previously in the Signet Hospital in Bradford for a number of months, and then staff from Potens came to see me to complete an assessment to see if they could meet my needs. Staff at the hospital told the assessor tha… Read more

My Story – Frank

Here we meet Frank – Potens' Workforce Development Manager who tells us his story! I’ve been the Workforce Development Manager at Potens since 2011 and the time has flown! When I joined the company we had 650 staff and over the years this has grown to approx. 1250 employees. I’ve seen a num… Read more

My Story – Louise

“My journey began five years ago. A journey that has made me accept everybody and anybody just as they are. A journey that has changed me as a person! Back then I knew very little about people with learning disabilities. I was working in a local pub just to make ends meet. Throughout the week a… Read more

My Story – Anni

It's day 23 of our #30Stories30people and today we meet Anni Thomas who is the Deputy Manager and Clinical Lead at our residential and nursing service Cae Glas in North Wales. “My name is Anni Thomas and I have been a nurse for 14 years working in various settings within the mental health field… Read more

My Story – Rebecca

Rebecca is supported at Achieve with Us in Leicester – her story begins around four years ago. “Rebecca visited Achieve with Us for a taster session in 2015 and we found out she had a passion for films and books! We set about exploring books and characters with her over her next sessio… Read more

My Story – James

James lives at Heathfield Gardens in Derbyshire and after many changes in life has now found his ‘forever home’ and is being empowered to make decisions in all areas of his life. With the support of his team he has shared his story… “James came to live at Heathfield Gardens in September 2… Read more

My Story – Tina

Our central support services are often out the limelight – but work very hard behind the scenes to support our Operational teams up and down the UK. Today we meet Tina who has worked in our Finance Team in Birkenhead since 2004 – she tells us her story! “I began working at Potens in Decembe… Read more

My story – Michael

It’s the last day of Mental Health Awareness Week and today we hear from Michael who lives at Orme House in Llandudno, North Wales. Michael feels he has really benefited from having the support of social care services to offer him support throughout his life. He asked his staff team to help him sh… Read more

My Story – Daz

Here we hear from Daz Matthews who tell us all about his amazing journey – a real inspiration! "During my teenage years when I amassed 94 criminal convictions I saw a Psychiatrist and said that I thought I was suffering from schizophrenia due to my violent behaviour. I was dismissed as though I… Read more

My Story – Liam

Here we meet Liam who lives at one of Potens’ mental health residential services in Preston. Liam is an MC and uses his music as a way to express his feelings and his mental ill health experiences. Click the link below to hear Liam’s story and please subscribe to his You Tube channel to hear … Read more

My Story – Kerry

Kerry lives in one of Potens’ services in Gateshead and has shared her inspiring journey through recovery… "I’m Kerry. I came to live at Parkside Lodge in 2011 after the loss of my partner. My CPN brought me for my first visit to look around and I liked what I saw. My first year wasn… Read more

My Story – Natalie

Here we meet Natalie who lives in her own flat in one of Potens' supported living services in Preston. She tells us about her recovery journey. My name is Natalie and this is my story. I have been a Potens service user since October 2016. It was my first community placement after being sectioned … Read more

My Story – Liam

After moving from hospital in 2017 Liam, who lives at Cae Glas (residential and nursing service for individuals with mental health needs) in North Wales, has transformed his life and is proud to share his story. "I moved to Cae Glas from a hospital in Chester in 2017. Initially when I moved t… Read more

My Story – Steve

Today is the start of Mental Health Awareness Week and to tie in with our 30th anniversary celebrations, the people we support and our colleagues will be sharing their stories about their own experiences of mental ill health. Today we hear from Steve Field, Potens' Business Development Manager, w… Read more

My Story – Georgia

Here we meet Georgia one of our amazing PBS Facilitators who works across our Southern services! “I joined Potens in January 2017. Working for Potens is exciting, when working on the south services the theme that resonates with me is that the vision is the same for all…to offer the best possi… Read more

My Story – Mark

Here we meet Mark who was one of the first people to be supported by Potens 30 years ago! Here he tells us his story… “My Name is Mark Williams, and I was Potens first ever service user when I was in my twenties, and I am now in my early sixties! I have since lived in a number of Potens’ se… Read more

My Story – James

James is a Support Worker at High Barn in Rochdale who joined the Potens team completely new to the care industry. Here he tells us his story about his experiences - a real inspiration for anyone who is thinking of becoming a Support Worker! “I came to Potens after working in warehouses, pubs a… Read more

My Story – Cameron

Arbour House, Potens’ first independent school, opened in 2017 for children aged 6-16 years of age who have a range of complex needs including learning disabilities, autism, and ADHD. After hearing about our 30-year celebrations, some of the pupils wanted to write their own stories about the am… Read more

My Story – Ashleigh

Here we meet Ashleigh – one of Potens’ Positive Support Facilitators who works within our North East services to tell us about her Potens’ journey and one particular individual she is very proud to have worked with… “I have worked for Potens now almost 3 years. When I first started, the… Read more

My Story – Caroline

Caroline works at Woodside Farmhouse, a residential service in Cornwall supporting individuals with learning disabilities and complex needs. Joining the service as a Support Worker in 2011, Caroline has developed her career with the team and is now a Team Leader at the service.  Here she tells us a… Read more

My Story – Janice

Meet Janice who lives in Larwood House – one of Potens residential services in Nottingham. Here Service Manager, Julie Roberts, tells us all about Janice’s wonderful journey since being supported by Potens over 4 years ago. “Janice moved into Larwood House in November 2015 – moving fr… Read more

My Story – Andie

"I started working with Pendleton Care in 2007 as a Divisional Manager covering the residential services. In 2008 Potens purchased Pendleton Care and I was transferred over to Potens under TUPE as an Area Manager. In December 2008 there was a structure review and my post changed from covering… Read more

My Story – Conor

My name is Conor and I am a support worker at our domiciliary services in Claudy, just outside of Derry/Londonderry. When I first started to work for Potens, I was uncertain as to how I was going to perform as a Support Worker or if I was going to make a positive impact on people’s lives. This was… Read more

John’s Story

A Learning Disability Nurse, John is Potens' founder and Chairman, with a career spanning over 40 years in the sector. So how did it all begin? John’s nursing career began in the early 80’s after working in various jobs, including joinery! He explains, “I spotted an advert in the Liverpool … Read more

Philip lands his dream job!

Philip,  who lives at Heathfield Gardens in Derbyshire, has landed his dream job - working in his local coffee shop and he is loving every minute! Manager Ana Beja, explains: "It's always been a dream of Philips to work in a coffee shop and following some person centred planning with him we have… Read more

Simon’s trip to Butlins

Last month Simon, who lives at Oakleigh in Dawlish, went on a very special break to Butlins - his first holiday in over 12 years! Nichola Chandler, Registered Manager  at Oakleigh, explains: "Simon expressed an interest in taking a holiday in Butlins. He hasn't been away for over 12 years, s… Read more

Joanne’s out and about

Joanne moved into Potens' Larwood House in Nottingham just before Christmas 2018. She had lived in a wheelchair and lounge chair for several years and not walked or been out of her previous property for a long time. Joanne was slightly withdrawn when she first transitioned to Larwood House and wo… Read more

Oakleigh’s trip to Spain!

At Oakleigh we aim to spoil and reward our residents as much as we can, and what better way than going on holiday to sunny Spain! Manager Nickly Chandler explains: "All of our residents were invited to attend a fun fuelled trip for a whole week with 24 hour support. Despite an annoying plane dela… Read more

Big changes for Simon

Since moving into Oakleigh Simon's life has turned around - with his activities, contribution and social life increasing every day! Manager Nichola Chandler explains: "Simon’s progress continues to astound everyone here at Oakleigh. Upon arriving with us Simon's trust in others was low, he had lim… Read more

Jason is doing amazing!

"I am doing amazing!" is how Jason sums up his personal achievements and outcomes since moving into Oakleigh in Dawlish. He explains: "When I arrived at Oakleigh I had not developed any skills with cooking, cleaning or socially. I really struggled communicating with new people and moving to Oak… Read more

Edward’s personal succcess

Here Edward who lives at Oakleigh in Dawlish tells us all about how he has overcome a real personal challenge. Edward said: "For a number of years I have really struggled with an obsession over labels. This could be labels in clothing, on house hold appliances, diaries, books, price stickers … Read more

Dave’s making everyone proud!

Dave lives at Oakleigh in Dawlish and is proud to share some of his achievements and activities - making himself and his team very proud! Dave said: "I am proud of myself for the work I put into Oakleigh. Every day I contribute by cleaning the house and by working hard on the grounds. I have deve… Read more

James’ new home at Heathfield

When James came to live at Heathfield Gardens he was very anxious about how he was going to settle in and how staff were going to support him in his routines which are important to him. Since his move he has taken part in so many activities: from going to the Goose Fair and Alton Towers Scare fes… Read more

Howard’s Summer Holiday!

Howard, who lives at Potens' Heathfield Gardens in Derbyshire, had an amazing week's holiday in Bridlington in the summer. Here he shares his favourite photographs as we find out more about why this trip was so important to him. Service Manager, Ana Beja, explains: "Due the place where Howard… Read more

Pam’s Cliff Richard Live concert!

On 9th October 2018, Pam and her keyworker Georgia went to Nottingham Royal Concert Hall to watch one of her all time favourite singers, Sir Cliff Richard! Pam, who lives at Potens' Larwood House in Nottingham, had been looking forward to seeing him all year and was very excited when the day fina… Read more

Remembrance Day 2018

This year the staff team and individuals at Larwood House in Nottingham made their own Poppy’s to remember the fallen troops and mark 100 years since the end of the First World War. Service Manager, Julie Roberts, said: "We wanted to mark the 100 year event and also show that we care and are t… Read more

Janice’s massive accomplishment!

Janice, who is supported in one of Potens’ residential services in Nottingham, has shared her story as well as some fantastic photographs of her recent trip to the ‘The Deep’ in Hull. This is a massive personal accomplishment for Janice who a few months ago would not go outside for longer tha… Read more

WWE Smackdown & TV Stars

David and Laura are wrestling fans and often have asked to go and see the wrestling locally in Llandudno, Colwyn Bay and Rhyl. One night whilst watching the wrestling locally they enquired as to when the WWE would be next in the UK and wondered if they would be able to go. Staff supported David &… Read more

A new start and going home

A young woman moved into Pendle View, East Lancashire in September 2015, after experiencing a chaotic period in her life, including spending sometime in hospital.  This woman not only has mental health problems, but additional health problems, which had been neglected for over 12 months. On arri… Read more

Springfield have a fun day for Children In Need

Potens' Springfield Day Opportunities service in Darlington celebrated Children in Need day in style this year with everyone coming to the centre in their pyjamas to raise money for the fantastic cause. We had various activities and competitions throughout the day; including the best picture o… Read more

Tracey has settled in well

Tracey has a diagnosis of a mild learning disability and personality disorder.  In July 2014 she moved into Parkside Lodge, after experiencing numerous failed placements. Tracey’s behaviour in the first six months were very erratic, with her presenting daily with various forms of challenging b… Read more

James Goes Fishing

James attends Poten’s Day Opportunities Service in Old Conwy, North Wales, where he has been busy taking part in a whole host of new activities. James has autism and can find change difficult, so staff at Acorn have been using ‘Now and Next’ - a communication board that has been designed in… Read more

Kay’s New Job

With support from Potens North West Dom Care, Kay has been working in paid employment at the local Morrison’s café. She serves ordered dishes, clears the tables and sweeps the floor. She is very enthusiastic about her job, as she loves meeting new people. The confidence that she has gained has he… Read more

Ethan starts college

Ethan found transitions particularly difficult and in the time leading up to him leaving his school and starting at his carefully chosen College, he experienced real problems, particularly concerning his relations to other people, which could result in behaviours needing intensive management. The… Read more

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