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World Mental Health Day – Steven’s Story

As its World Mental Health Day we wanted to share some amazing and inspiring stories of people living with mental health issues – in their own words. Here is Steven telling us his story about moving from a residential service into his own flat in the community – a real inspiration!


“My time living here (Potens’ residential service) is coming to an end and I can’t believe it’s gone so fast. I’ve been living here for two and a half years and have enjoyed it a lot.


The staff are really friendly and easy to get on with, and also helpful giving support to service users whatever needed. The house is well placed with a bus stop right outside for easy access getting into town. There are two lounges and kitchens for service users to use in addition to their own rooms.


Although I’m sorry to be leaving, I’m also happy to move onto my new flat. It’s situated right in the middle of the town centre which is ideal for shopping. The flats are really nice and I am in the process of moving all my things before I move into it.


I’m looking forward to the move and commencing the next stage of my rehabilitation. The staff seem really friendly and helpful and I’m sure things will go well in the future.”


Good luck with your move Steven


#mentalhealthawarenessday #worldmentalhealthday #mentalhealth #inspired #potens

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