Welsh Referrals

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Wirral Group Service Trip to the Zoo!🦒🐯


Leanne and the team at 7-9 Park Road South teamed up with some of our supported living services managed by Louise to organise a trip to the zoo together! 🦒🐯



Manager Leanne said “We all had an amazing day at the zoo, making memories together and seeing all of the different animals. 🦁 Everyone enjoyed meeting each other and socialising. 😁 We are now making the trips a monthly occurrence! 🙌 A big thank you to Louise for organising the coach for us all.” 🌟


A great way to get the people we support to make new friends and build a strong social network close to home with people from out other services! 👏 It looks like you all had the best day together. 🤩


We can’t wait to see what you do for next month’s group trip! 💙


#Zoo #Animas #Exploring #DayOut #Fun #Friends #Socialising #Together #Residential #SupportedLiving #SupportWork #SocialCare

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  • The Social Care Commitment
  • E Learning
  • CareSys
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