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Well Done to Les at Dale House for his Hard Work on Stopping Smoking ✨


We want to say a very big well done to Les at Dale House who has stopped smoking and is continuing to make positive changes each day!



Senior support worker Michaela said, “In November Les decided to contact the stop smoking clinic in Durham after deciding he wanted to quit smoking all together and was getting worried about his own health. However, Les really struggled with the communication for the appointments, as they are over the phone, resulting in missing quite a few appointments without realising. Staff supported Les to get the appointments set up to ring the house phone so that staff can support him with these appointments. ☎️ Les is now so much more comfortable being supported by staff for these and has done extremely well! He has surprised himself, even when tempted by his friends to have cigarettes, Les has stuck to his goal and not took up this offer. Les has gone from November 2024 without any cigarettes and is now only having one patch instead of two. Les has also massively cut down his alcohol intake and now has his health at the forefront of his mind. Since quitting smoking, Les has loved having additional money to spend on himself rather than his cigarettes, treating himself to a new pair of trainers and tracksuit. He has also gotten himself some organisational bits for his bedroom, such as some CD and DVD sorters that he has colour-coded, so he knows where everything is. Anyone who knows Les knows how much of a massive achievement this is, which is why we wanted to present him with a certificate to congratulate him on his achievement! Well done Les, keep up all the amazing work, the staff are so proud of you!”


An incredible achievement, well done Les!


We are all so proud of you and we hope you are very proud of yourself.


A very positive change, for both your health and overall wellbeing. It’s great to see that you are enjoying the extra money on doing things you enjoy and buying yourself some new clothes to celebrate your achievements. ✨


Your determination and hard work on improving your health and making positive changes is fantastic, keep up the good work Les! A big thank you to the staff team at Dale House for supporting Les on his journey to stop smoking and better his health.


#QuitSmoking #WellDone #Goals #Achievement #Incredible #Support #Certificate #Proud #Health #HardWork #HealthyChanges #SupportWork #SocialCare

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