Today we remember and reflect on the service, courage and sacrifice of those who defended and protected our freedoms and our way of life.
At Parkside Lodge they have decorated their tree to celebrate Remembrance Day. Registered Manager Christine said “The people we support decorated a beautiful poppy tree. A local artist also completed a Remembrance mural on our front windows, ‘Les We Forget.’”
Kerry who lives at Parkside said, “I love the colour of the poppies. It is important to remember all of those people that have gone.”
The residents at Oakleigh Lodge have been crafting away for their annual remembrance display.
Activities Coordinator Kayleigh said, “They have been painting, colouring, sticking and designing poppies. Every year they work so hard to create a wonderful display. This year, some of the people we support have joined the remembrance service at the local church. Simon was asked to do the honours in laying the wreath, which he feels so privileged to do and was so happy to participate in such a meaningful celebration.”
Both of your Remembrance Day displays are fantastic, well done everyone.
A big well done to Simon for laying the wreath at his local Remembrance Day service, a memory to last a lifetime.
#RemembranceDay #Remembrance #Remember #Sacrifice #SupportWork #SocialCare