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Potens Supporting World Mental Health Day


Today is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is suicide prevention. If you are struggling, don’t be afraid to reach out and talk. Never feel that you’re alone. Talk to someone.


Potens Employee Assistance Programme is available 24 hours a day to offer staff support, including confidential access to professional counsellors and experts there to support you. 📞


The platform also links employees through to resources for dealing with stress and mental health issues, as well as information on other tools and services that you can use. 💻


Explore more here 


Time to Change


Why is it important to mark World Mental Health Day in the workplace?


* One in six British workers are affected by mental health problems like anxiety, depression and stress every year.

* Around 15% of people at work have symptoms of an existing mental health condition

* 9 out of 10 people who experience mental health problems say they face stigma and discrimination and 54% percent of people say they are impacted most by this stigma in their place of work

* As a result, 300 thousand people with long-term mental health problems leave their jobs each year

* Less than half of employees say they would feel able to talk openly with their line manager if they were suffering from stress and 95% of employees will cite an alternative reason to stress when calling in sick.


#LetsTalk #EmployeeSupport #mentalhealth #time2change #worldmentalhealthday2019

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