The Trinity Centre
Hinkley, Leicestershire LE10 0LQ
We currently have availability to support more people within our service. Please contact 01455 890494 for more information.
Achieve with Us is based in Leicestershire and provides Day Opportunities for adults with a learning disability, mental health needs and autism. We provide on site and community support for 30 people to access activities and increase their skills and independence.
Day opportunities can give carers or family a break from their caring roles. We can provide a safe, informal, and friendly environment for people, with opportunities to meet others, take part in a wide range of activities, increase life skills and have fun.
Achieve with Us have created a safe, friendly and stimulating environment where people will feel comfortable and at ease taking part in activities they enjoy in house or out in the community. Our highly skilled workforce provide professional, experienced and caring support to enable clients to build and live meaningful and independent lives.
Support can be 1:1 or shared depending on the needs of the individual. Our centre operates Mon-Fri between the hours of 9am-4pm. Our facilities include quieter environments for clients who want to take part in activities alone, as well as areas where people can join in with group activities.
We have close links with the Community Learning Disabilities Team, who we access advice and involvement where needed from community nurses, professionals that provide support in all areas associated with adults with learning disabilities and complex needs. We will seek support and advice where needed for all you support needs.
We are always open to new ideas and our team will work with people to source activities in line with your wishes and goals.