Welsh Referrals

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GWE’s Success at Queens Court, Receiving the Keys to his own Flat! ️✨


At Queens Court they have said their goodbyes to GWE, who has lived at Oak Unit since 2020. As GWE starts the next chapter into independent living in his own flat. ️



Deputy Manager Kay said “Through hard work, determination, commitment and making massive lifestyle changes, GWE is now moving into his own home, receiving the keys to his own flat, the step-down project for Potens and we could not be any prouder of him. Since being at Oak Unit, GWE has engaged well with support staff and the services/resources available and now GWE is able to live independently. Achieving something meaningful each day for himself and look after his health and wellbeing using strategies learnt and supported by being at Queens Court.

Whilst at Queens Court, staff have worked with GWE to form a routine, acknowledge the purpose and have supported him to build on his confidence with daily living skills. GWE has been committed to make a difference and a change to himself and his lifestyle, acknowledging that through hard work and determination doing things step by step and one day at a time your hard work will pay off and you will be where you want to be. Everyone is so proud of how much you have achieved, well done and good luck GWE in your new flat!”


An amazing positive support outcome for GWE from your time at Queens Court, you have achieved so much!


Well done for all your hard work in developing your independent living skills and making those lifestyle changes to be able to move into this next chapter of your life.


We want to say a big well done and thank you to the amazing staff team at Queens Court for all their incredible support with GWE since 2020, to support this incredible achievement.


We are all so proud of you GWE and we hope you are proud of yourself!


We wish you the best of luck in your new home!


#NewHome #IndependentLiving #PositiveSupportOutcome #Journey #Flat #Home #Chapter #WellDone #Proud #SkillsDevelopment #InedpendentLivingSkills #SupportWork #SocialCare

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