Welsh Referrals

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Colin’s Move to Supported Living 👏


Anything is possible with the right guidance, support and dedication and at Heath Lodge they have said their goodbyes and farewells to Colin! 💙


Colin has lived at Heath Lodge since 2009 and has closed the door at Heath Lodge for the last time as he embarks onto his next journey into supported living accommodation. 🏠



Registered Manager Justine said “Colin and the staff team have worked amazingly well over the past 12 months to make this happen. 🙌 Working on developing skills that Colin had found difficult and focusing on areas where Colin required some guidance such as meal planning, budgeting, wellbeing and self-medicating. It has been fantastic watching the progression that Colin has made in such a short time and how quickly he was able to improve on these skills. 🌟 It has been an absolute pleasure, although tinged with a little sadness watching you leave; to be a part of your journey Colin, I speak for all of us at Heath Lodge when I say you will be dearly missed. We are immensely proud of you and your achievements and know you will go on to achieve anything you put your mind to. 💛 A huge well done to the team for all their effort and commitment, your input has gone a long way into helping someone achieve their goals!” 👏


Amazing support outcome at Heath Lodge for Colin, well done to the staff team and to Colin for working hard to improve your skills to reach your goal of becoming more independent and starting your journey in supported living! 👏


We wish you the best of luck in your new home! 🏡


#AmazingSupport #Goals #ReachingGoals #WellDone #Dedication #SupportOutcome #SkillsDevelopment #IndpendentLiving #SupportedLiving #RightSupportGetsTheBestOutcomes #SupportWork #SocialCare

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