Natalie helps deliver Positive & Safe Restraint Reduction Training

Natalie, supported by Potens supported living team in Preston, has been working with Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust (LSFST) to help deliver their restraint reduction training program “Positive and Safe”. Her work has been commended by the team at LCSFT acknowledging her professionalism and the invaluable perspective she gave to the teams attending – read their fantastic feedback below.

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Christine is smashing her independence goals


Over the last month our West Lancashire Supported Living team have been focussing on supporting people to put their trust in themselves and the staff team who support them in making decisions and building their independence and confidence. Here they demonstrate an excellent example supporting Christine to go to the hairdressers independently.

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Potens Challenge Charter in Action


Potens Challenge Charter is a promise that all staff make to uphold the values of Potens; to be courageous for and with the people they support and to challenge themselves and each other positively to be the best they can be. Our team in Lancashire have put the challenge charter at the top of their agenda this month with a brilliant example here of putting their promise into action.

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Modern Slavery Statement

Whilst it is not a legal requirement for us to make and publicise a statement relating to Modern Slavery, as a company we oppose modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and therefore make this statement as a matter of good practice and our belief in upholding the highest ethical standards. The statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

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