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Anti-Bullying Week at Paxton House ✨


The week commencing 11th of November was Anti-Bullying Week and yesterday marked International Tolerance Day. ✨ At Paxton House they combined the two to help raise the people we support awareness. 👏



Manager Viorika, “Staff and the people we support have created a display to show where we stand as a united front on the issue of bullying. We used this time to discuss our own experiences of bullying, how it made us feel and the impact it had on us. Conversations were had about all forms of bullying, physical, verbal, mental and even cyber. We discussed different scenarios of bullying and how we would handle certain situations. Most importantly we discussed how we can be friends and supporters to people who feel bullied and how we can try to help them. As well as how to spot the signs our friends/loved ones may show if they are being bullied. Tuesday 12th November was National Odd Socks Day (to celebrate individuality and uniqueness) in support of anti-bullying week, so staff and the people we support joined in. 🧦 We then discussed International Tolerance Day with the importance on accepting everyone for who they are as a person not the colour of skin, religion, size, gender, age, ability or anything else that may make them different. 🙌 We talked about the importance of being unique and yourself, no one else can ever be you and you are just how you are meant to be. 😀 The differences we have no matter how large or small make this world a far more interesting place and lots more fun to live in and these differences should be celebrated not avoided. 👏 We created a Tolerance tree, placing positive words linked to tolerance, acceptance and words we strive to be on leaves and added them to a tree trunk. 🌳 Gareth, Lydia and Eva helped place these leaves wherever they wanted. It has created a focus point in the communal area and as the week went on, we built on our discussions and added more positive and affirming words to the tree. 😊 The people we support and staff not only created a display to educate and inform but also one with lots of personal photos to show just how fortunate we all are to live in such a diverse world.” 💛


Well done to everyone at Paxton House, a fantastic activity and idea to create your tolerance tree display and for being brave enough to share your personal experiences of bullying. 👏


Raising awareness of bullying and the help and support available and celebrating everyone’s individuality and uniqueness is a great way to empower the staff and people we support to be themselves and to be confident as an individual. 🧡


A great place for the tree to be displayed in the communal areas of the house where the people we support come to socialise and speak to each other and be reminded to be positive, kind and accepting of others. 🙌


#AntiBullyingWeek #BullyingWeek #BullyingPrevention #InternationalToleranceDay #Advice #Support #Discuss #Kind #Aceeptance #Individuality #Educate #RaiseAwareness #SupportWork #SocialCare

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