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Mental Health Awareness Week – Highgate House’s Wellbeing Walk 🙌

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 is all about ‘moving more for your mental health’. 🙌 On Thursday Highgate House hosted a Wellbeing Walk around Birkenhead Park to celebrate this.


The people we support from across Merseyside, service staff, regional managers and the admin team/central staff all joined together for this event. 👏😁
Manager at Highgate House, Kris who organised this wellbeing walk for everyone said:


“We began with a social gathering at the start outside Highgate House and everyone had a chance to talk and look at the resources on display. Gaynor, one of the people supported at Highgate, wrote and read out an inspirational speech to motivate everyone at the start of the walk. Gaynor then dedicated the event to her friend who sadly passed away recently.


We set off and walked a mapped route that covered both of Birkenhead Park’s lakes, talked to each other, took pictures of the wildlife and even tried out the outdoor gym equipment! Afterwards, Vera and Anne from Highgate had prepared a wonderful lunch buffet that everyone enjoyed, some people then stayed for the afternoon, socialising and playing outdoor games. This was a wonderful day and it was suggested by some of the people we support to make it a regular thing, meeting up together from different services and going for a walk as a group – an amazing idea! Thank you to everyone who turned up and made the day as special as it was!” 🤩👏


The people we support over at Crompton Street in Liverpool travelled over to the Wirral to participate in the ‘move more for mental health’ event at Highgate House.  Manager Leanne said “Well Done to staff member Reice Carmichael for supporting Michelle and Katie to complete the wellness walk around Birkenhead Park today, which they both thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks to Kris Voice Manager of Highgate for organising it and putting on a brilliant after party for everyone to enjoy together!” 🎉🌟




Well done to Gaynor for her lovely words and dedication to her friend and to everyone that attended this wellbeing event! 💙


A massive well done and thank you to Kris and the team at Highgate House for organising such a successful event in support of Mental Health Awareness Week and National Walking Month. 👏💛
This event is a great way for everyone to socialise and build a local network of friends across Merseyside and what a lovely suggestion for everyone to be able to stay connected with each other and keep up their fitness by making the wellbeing walks a regular thing! 🙌

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